How to slow down your day?

Posted by Shamiso Ngongoni on

Living in a digitized world makes me believe that I can accomplish more in a day than realistically possible. Many times, it feels like we are caught in a race of unmet expectations. One of the things that I realize is that I have to be intentional about slowing down my day or else I get overwhelmed.

Take a bath

I think a shower naturally communicates a sense of urgency that a bath does not. However often you choose to do this, you'll find that it slows down the day. A bath can last 20 to 30 minutes which is long enough to relax the body. You can also add oils, bubble soap, or bath salts to the water.

I personally prefer a guided meditation. You can find these for free on YouTube

 5 minutes guided meditation to reduce stress and anxiety | ASMR

 or wherever else you get your podcasts. What I like about a guided meditation is that someone else is keeping track of time for me. I won’t worry about time keeping. Meditation can also be coupled with affirmations which are very helpful in settling the mind.

Eat while sitting down

Eating is such an important part of our day and our lives. Always take time to sit down at your table and eat. Avoid eating in the car at the drive-through or while you're rushing. If you would like to take it a step further, I would suggest eating out of ceramic plates, drinking out of glasses and mugs, and using non-plastic utensils. These are all subtle cues I use to remind myself to take my time and enjoy whatever I'm eating. Good company while eating doesn't hurt either.

Read a book

Read a book that you enjoy. It does not always have to be an educational book. This just allows you to remove yourself from the day today by immersing yourself in something else. Depending on your personality, audiobooks can be a good substitute - as long as you are not doing something else while listening to the book, it achieves the same result.

Take a walk

This is a leisurely stroll not a power walk for exercise. Having a pet to walk with or another person to accompany you is definitely a bonus as long as it is clear that no serious stuff will be discussed during the walk. Make sure that it is a comfortable walk so it shouldn't be too hot/cold of a day/environment.

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